Monday 6 May 2013

Leaflet / Billboard Advertisment

My final visual was very simple as most of the elements had already been created to make up the poster and cup / banner. However I knew I had to add something a little bit more to this one to show that I did not just copy over each element from the beginning and changed the layout as that would of not been creative in the slightest. I then thought of all products that Starbucks sell and thought about how I could make them fit in with the issue also. Once I had chosen which elements to use I researched a image of both a croissant and a panini and traced the image using the pen tool, making it quite rough and cartoon like to fit the theme, when they where cut out I filled them in with the necessary colours and added some wings to make them resemble bees also. Based on making the images quite rough and free hand I decided to add an effect to the wings and slightly roughen those also. Overall I am very pleased with the outcome and believe these pieces are ready for my portfolio. I also have some supporting images to show where I went wrong and where my idea first came from shown above.

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