Monday 6 May 2013

M&S Card Design

I really love these card designs. The brief was all about designing a set of cards that could be sent to a loved one just because. They where to be a range for Marks and Spencer's. I had slight difficulty getting to this final stage within this project based on layout but I got there eventually, the problems I suffered will be evidenced in another post. When looking for inspiration for this brief I believed that the brown card texture was the best way to go to make the range be suitable for both genders and to suggest how they can be recycled which means they are friendly to the environment, always  bonus. I was really set on just making this deign mostly about typography, however when I had layout issues and realised the wreath pattern I was using before was all wrong it lead me down this route, the right one. I really enjoyed creating the images used within the cards as I think I have progressed in Illustrator a lot lately based on previous digital skills sessions. I had already settled for the font choice earlier based on legibility, how attractive it is and how much attention it grabs. Personally if these cards where not my own and I saw them I would buy them defiantly. Finally I also love that the range was meant to been unisex however I have been able to create a outcome for both but in a separate card that still continues to create a set.

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