Monday 11 March 2013

Willy Wonka Poster and Flyer

I chose to work on a live brief to support a Willy Wonka production show, I feel I captured various elements to a build up a relevant final piece. I worked through my initial ideas and development using various medias and textures of sweet shop paper bags, which helped me to get a guideline of where I wanted to go to produce this final. The simplicity of the idea is clear really as I have went for the built up cartoon/collage effect, I started off with the paper bag outline and decided the colour purple spoke Wonka the most. In my previous development it shows how I decided on what font style, colour, imagery, information and sponsors I chose to use. I went with creating my own Wonka sweets with love hearts being my inspiration. I recreated a Wonka tree as well as hats and various other sweet products and again the choice of typestyle also got considered hear. I finally got all of my elements I needed and put it together to create this piece.

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