Monday 11 March 2013

Ted Baker Poster

Working with another live brief, I was focused on creating a poster for Ted Baker to express what it was all about to another country to potentially gain more clientele when opening a new store somewhere else. I researched into what Ted Baker was specifically looking for when creating a piece of work for them, I thought it was important to stick to the theme that they have always used, they focus a lot on English Heritage and have a really quirky sense of  humour. I think I have combined both quite well as the moustache's create a funny side and the UK flag colours are included suggesting the English heritage and show where the company came from. Also using the stem effect to hang the logo and the moustache imagery from, shows one of the effects I learnt within my Digital Skills lessons, as well as putting the type in the right place and making sure it is clean and tidy shows another skill I learnt within this module. Overall I like this piece and think it fits well to the purpose.

Willy Wonka final pieces in Situation

I then took both of my final pieces and thought of ways I could put them into a real life situation. I thought one of the best places to advertise a poster is on a bus stop as a billboard based on the amount of public attraction it could possibly get. On the other hand leaflets are often given out in the street or example so I gathered a bunch of them and placed them into a hand to show what they would look like if they where real. Both ways show the potential of the piece if they where actually to be used.

Willy Wonka Poster and Flyer

I chose to work on a live brief to support a Willy Wonka production show, I feel I captured various elements to a build up a relevant final piece. I worked through my initial ideas and development using various medias and textures of sweet shop paper bags, which helped me to get a guideline of where I wanted to go to produce this final. The simplicity of the idea is clear really as I have went for the built up cartoon/collage effect, I started off with the paper bag outline and decided the colour purple spoke Wonka the most. In my previous development it shows how I decided on what font style, colour, imagery, information and sponsors I chose to use. I went with creating my own Wonka sweets with love hearts being my inspiration. I recreated a Wonka tree as well as hats and various other sweet products and again the choice of typestyle also got considered hear. I finally got all of my elements I needed and put it together to create this piece.