Tuesday 13 March 2012

Bistro Logo

Looking at previous examples of existing restaurants, cafe's and bistros I came up with a very simple idea. Starting of with a very basic sans serif font also known as hasteristico and typing out the name I chose for the bistro. I then used various tools in illustrator to help create the circle behind which resembles a plate to fit in with the bistro theme and the knife and fork. To create the circle I simply used the shape tool, which I then went on to use to create the indentation. The gradient tool also worked really well for this project as it helped me to give off a shadowed effect to really show off the indentation in my final piece. The final tool I really used the most was was the pen tool as it helped me to draw out my typography from my reference as well as the knife and fork imagery which I think has worked really well as it is really simple but gets the point across. 

I also went on to play with colour as a part of my development, I started off with three choices of colour all for very different reasons. Firstly I thought blue would be the best colour to use simply making this logo fit in with the rest of the colleges designs and the all around blue theme, however I thought blue was a really bold colour to use for a bistro. Secondly I went for a really cool green colour which was hopefully going to emphasize the freshness of the bistro and the food sold however again it still looked to cold and quite dull. Finally I chose a deep red, which does not relate to the food or the college but it gives a warm feel which will be easier too attract customers as I think in a warmer feeling room it makes people feel more relaxed as they sit down to eat. It also fits in with the choice of decoration used in the bistro, known from getting a feel for the room at the beginning of the project. I also experimented with a mix of the colours just to see what could possibly work best however I still felt the red on its own was the best choice.